
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Akhirnya..dye dpat jgk...

huhhh.. xtau nk mle cm ne sbb aq terlalu gembira untk berita yang aq dpat nie..tibe2 air mata nie laju je nk mengalir kat pp comel aq nie..(comel ke..hehehe).. gembira smpai aq xtau nk ckp cm ne..
en azam dah dapat result exam untk part 5 dye..alhamdullillah he got 3.6.. termakbul jgk doa aq nk tgk dye dpat anugerah dekan or AKJ something like that la..ble mle2 dye ckp dye dpat 2,aq cm xpercya..dont know why..then bile dye bagi aq links untk tgk result dye,msuk no matrik n password. yaa..mmg btl..he got it..rasa nk menangis sgt msa 2..akhirnye dye dapat jgk..aq tumpang gembira sgt bile dye dpat pointer bgs cm 2.then aq tny,da gtau mak lom n dye ckp lom..so that means,i'm the first person that know about it.terharu.. sepatutnye dye gtau mak dye dlu..en azam nie excited sgt nk kgsi ngan aq kowt..hehehehe..by the way,hepi sgt sbb ap yg dye hrpkan termakbul..klu bukan kerana doa aq pown,its ok.its not important..maybe doa dri family dye..yg penting skarang,dye da dpat ap yg dye nak..

buat en azam,
mama tau pa akan setiasa buat yg terbaik untk hidup papa..congrats dear


Monday, November 28, 2011

happy day wif him.. =_+

entry ary nie nk cte pasal g jalan2 ngan en azam iskandar.. bahagianye rasa ble ade dgn dye..heheheee..pg2 la da kuar dlm kul 10 lbey cm 2...jmpa en azam dkat melaka sentrel then nek bas g mahkota parade (MP)..smpai2 je trus g bli tiket wyg cte twilight..best derr cte 2...hehhehe..smbil2 nk tggu wayang start sempat la g breakfast kat McD..nyum2..hehhehe.. then smpai msa tgk la wayang,bis tgk wayang g jalan2 dkat Dataran pahlawan n dkat menara taming sari...so ader la snap pic sket2..hehehe..da pnt jalan2 g MP trus g foodcourt..mkan lgi..hehhehe..asyik mkan je aq ary nie tpi nasi xmkan lgi..so prut pown pdih sgt la nie..mlm t kne kuar cri nasi lak..hehehe

Friday, October 28, 2011

ckp len buat len.. ish3..

entry ary nie tntg khdpn org sekeliling n dri kte jgk..slalu kan kte prasan ble seseorg cthnye A,dye slalu ckp len tpi last2 wat len..nk senang cte,dye ckp jgn bli bju 2,xsesuai la pkai g klas,klu g mna2 pown xsesuai la..tpi after 2,3 mggu atau sbulan,2 bulan kte ley terperasan lak yg dye pkai bju g klas 2 adlh bju yg dlunye dye syorkan kte jgn bli..so ap yg ptt kte ckp tntg org cm nie???sush kan nk ckp..kang slh kang dosa lak..
papew pown kdg2 aq pown ade jgk ckp cm 2 tpi aq bukan slalu ckp bnda 2 tntg brg or dlm kemarahan or pape je..aq pown xbrape reti nk explain la..tpi yg aq kurg berkenannye,ko nsht org tpi ko pown sma...ap sbnrnye niat ko ckp len tpi wat len 2 eh??aq pown pelik..cemburu ke???ish2..xbek2..tpi mungkin cemburu kowt..(xtau nk kta btul ke x..hehehe)
then,knp ske ckp len and wat len???pelik la...bnyk bnda yg wat aq konfuis skit tntg nieyh...agaknye dunia da semakin tua kowt..2 jdi cm nie kowt...sume org berlumba2 nk jdi yg pertama 2 yg kdg2 ader sifat cemburu,dengki and etc..lgi..ap ekh nk ckp..hmmm..nape org suke mra2???ce bgtau skit...bnyk syaitan eh dlm badan..hahaha..then lgi 1 ske sgt ckp lepas n mencarut..ko dpat pe wat cm 2...cm xmanis la mencarut2 nieyh..aq pown kdg2 mencarut jgk..tpi slagi bole kwal aq akan jauhkan dari ckp bnda2 xsepatutnye 2..aq kan pmpn mmg xlok sgt la org dgr kte mencarut..mke da nmpk baik tpi ckp bnda2 xlok plak..apatah lgi bukan yg kureng skit 2 kan...bak kta org bia xcntk rupa asal cntk budi bhsa..ceh3,berfalsafah lak aq nieyh..hahaha...(aq cntik ker??hahhahaha)

aq pown pernah jgk mra,pernah jgk hipokrit tpi slagi bole manusia 2 berubah slagi 2 dye akan usahakan..cm 2 jgk aq..aq cube yg terbaik untk hidup yg pnuh penipuan nie..mmg aq sush nk maafkan org..tpi insyaallah ble pintu aty nie da btl2 terbukak nk mafkan org..insyaallah..(doakan aje ea..)

ok da pnat taip2...end smpai sni dlu yaa!!salam =_+

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

aq da smakin meningkat usia rupenye..

entry ary nie aq nk cte tntg hdup lak...eh tpi bukan slame nie aq slalu cte psl hdup aq ke kat blog nie...hehehe..tpi entry ary nie special skit sbb dye tntg hdup jgka msa yg pnjg...btl ke??btl la kowt kan... =)
skarang umo aq still 18 sbnrnye..lom genap lgi 19..so kire cm nk kta bdk2 pown bukan jgk..so sng cte pertengahan la kan..sbb comfirm2 tua 2 bukan sesuai tok aq..klu dlu waktu skola nk sgt cepat msuk U,kerja,pkai cantik2...tpi ble da msuk U rndu sgt time kat skola..sama2 still lom matang...wat je pe nk wat..memberontak ikot ske aty..tpi skang x lgi...da xley..sume wat hal msing2 je..x serapat cm dlu..urmm... tpi klu dlu,klu free hair ikot ske aty je sbb nk org tgk kte cntk tpi hakikatnye skang bru kte sedar bhwa tuhan jdikan aurat 2 sbb nk jga diri kte dri penglihatan lelaki2 yg x sepatutnye.. lgpown kesian kat suami kte t,ble llaki len da tgk kecantikan diri kte klu kite free hair contohnye,so ap sgt je yg tggl tok suami kte.. tpi klu kte jga aurat, even xcntik pown kte pkai tudung skalipown tpi ble da kwin,suami kte xnyesal nikahi kte sbb sbnrnye kte cntk sgt ble free hair..bukan ke tu akan wat husband kte lbh menyayangi kte..bukan kerana cantiknye seorg perempuan 2,tpi kerana keikhlasan seorg llaki..
Ble da semakin dewasa nie jgk bru la nk sedar betapa jahatnye aq nie dlu..perempuan paling nakal @ jahat jgk la kat skola.. msti mke xmlu je kat skola dlu..xreti pown nk mlu...ish2..tpi skang insyaallah ader sgt niat nk jdi pmpn baik2...klu ley nk kwin ngan ustaz lgi 2,..klu kwin ngan ustaz asyraf imam muda pown ok..eh xbole,dye da kwin..kesian wife dye nnti..xper...cri ustaz len..hehehhe
ble da nk 19an nieyh bnyk sgt sedar kslpn pada mak dan ayh..jahatnye aq dlu..ish2..mak,ayah anak mak nie da berubah..insyaallah akan terus berubah jdi ank yg solehah..amin..ary2 aq kol mak aq taw..hehehe..punya sygnye aq kat parents n family aq skang...
alhamdullillah angah pown da berubah...da xtggl solat..alimnyer mengalahkan aq lak...klu dlu bilik aq yg tiap2 ary psg yassin tpi skang bilik dye pown xnk kalah jgk..kdg2 mlu gak time ngah @#$$%$ dye tnya npe xsolat..ish angah nie..mlu aq..t ko ader bini ko tnya bni ko ea npe xsolat...
pape pown aq ade beberapa impian yg aq nk sgt cpai..nk tau?????nieyh dye..hehehe

  1. nk balas jsa mak ayh..( nk anta g mekah..insyaallah)
  2. nk tamat degree + master n last one Phd..
  3. nk kwin..hahahaha (klu en azam jdi ustaz kan best..heheeh)
  4. jdi budak baik n solehah.. jaga aurat,maruah n jga diri baik2...
  5. nk kerja bagus2..klu ley nk travel 1 dunia..( ckp dak tourism mmg nk mlancong je la kan..hahaha)
  6. nk ganti tempat menteri pelancongan..hahaha...(jgan pndg aq sbalah mata tau!hehe..)
  7. nk mati syahid..amin..
  8. klu kte cintakan rasullullah s.a.w bererti kte cintai Allah,so ap lgi,blaja n terus cintai rasul kite!!

wif my new levi's..hehehe

Sunday, October 23, 2011

wasiat.. =_+

Ary nie entry aq tntg Modul 1 that is kemahiran insaniah yg aq wajib amek dri sem 1 smpai sem 6.. so mmg sgt malas la sbnrnye kan kne bgn awal2 pagi ary AHAD plak 2 untk ke KBM tok bendalah nie.. so nak xnk kne g jgk la..nama pown wajib..kne la pegi..so pg2 2 dri kul 8 smpai kul 10 dye bgi ceramah.. mmg mengantok jgn ckp la..bole tersengguk2 aq dlm audi 2..da la sjuk mcm kat oversea.., da abes cramah 2 ngatkan bole balik..mmg bole blah la nk blik kan..dye ley suh smbung dgn LDK (latihan dalam kumpulan ) plak...aduyai...ok la fine shari je pown,sabo je ea mimie,ko kan dak bek,,.,ner pnah ponteng2..hehehehe...
tpi disebabkan kepandaian letcerur 2 dlm LDK nie, ngantok aq ley ilang kowt..trus cergas cm owg bwu balik bersenam..bukan main semangat lgi dlm group LDK nie.. punya la bnyk aq pot pet2 dlm klas tdi..hehehe..punya excited gua ckp lu..hehehe...n yg pntgnye dlm group nie,bru la aq tau yg aq la pling bongsu dlm klas...owh..muda lgi rupenye aq,cm ne ley amek degree nieyh..hehehehe..alhamdullillah bak kata org,rezeki... then smpai la 1 part,games dye adalah tulis wasiat... nie yg aq lemah sgt nie...msti ngat kat mak n ayah,padahal ary2 tepon..hehehe...
so dlm masa aq menulis wasiat 2,punya la emosional aq rupenye,,siap nanges2 lagi..mna xnye,cer ko byg sok ko da nk mati..then nk tulis wasiat...mau x sedih..da la blom kwin lgi..lom sempat rsa ade keluarga sendiri..hehehehe...( kesian en. azam aq,aq mati dlu dri dye..hehehe) ..da siap wasiat letcerur nieyh bole plak suh bce kat dpn..ngatkan xkne la tdi dye plih padahal aq org terakhir yg bce surt wasiat nieyh..d'sebbkan aq da nanges2,aq da comfirm2 la xley nk bce surt 2 kat dpn tmbh lgi dpn kwan2 aq..then aq pown minx la tlg sorg kwan aq yg bcekan.. ble dye bce ader jgk yg nanges cm aq...2 la korg xtau, aq klu bab tulis2 bnda sedih mmg no 1..primadona air mata katakan..hahahhaha..yg pling mlunye,1 kelas nmpk aq nanges..mlu giler..2 la mie,kan mak da pesan g blaja 2 jgn cengeng2 sgt..kan da besar..wuwuwuu
so smpai stu la program aq tok ary nie. ader sedih,ader suka n ader duka...

end... =_+

Sunday, October 9, 2011

bnyknye assegment..wuwuwu

ary nie bnyk sgt keje kena wat..(2 la mimie spe suruh tangguh2,kan da bnyk..pdn mke..)wuwuwu..xtau la bole siap ke x..tpi hopefully bole la..kain pown bnyk lom bsuh lgi..wuwuwu..nmpknye ary nie xbole tido ptg n kne tdo lewat mlm...klu mak aq tau nie mmg naya je kne mrah..hmm mggu dpn nk blik kg.xsbrnye nk jmpa memey aq..rndu bangat..hehehe..then nk g domino pizza..lma xmkan pizza...hehehe..blik nnti nk bwak makanan bnyk2...t ley jimat duit..ptptn plak xtawu bke msuknye...ish..ske msuk lmbt2...xtawu ke org nk gne duit nieyh...(padahal ptptn yg bgi ko pinjm duit dye..ske aty dye la ble nk bgi ko duit 2..mimie2..)..disebabkan kes pmpn sengal smalam,aq ade terpikir nk wat sesuatu...mcm nk bgi pengajaran skit kat pmpn xsdr diri 2...ko ingat ko bgs..pls la...nk muntah aq...tpi mak da pesan,mimie,ko g sna blaja baik2,jgn gdh2..wat hal ko sendiri da..xyah kcau org..hmm..tpi mak klu org yg cri psl ngan kte cm ne???..
pesan dri kwan2 aq, da la cik mie,lpekan la..ngat sng ke nk lpekan..ko xrsa ap aq rsa...even group kte yg slh fhm,aq sorg yg kena,mcm la group 2 hnya ade aq sorg ahli dye....korg ade kne cm aq??xder kan..bole la msing2 nk diam...yg aq xfhm sgt 2 pesal smpai nk kecoh2..ko puas aty la dpat burukkan aq ea..tahniah la sbb ko da bejya sgt..tpi bgi aq,2 bru permulaan permainan kte..mmg skang ko menang,tpi esok lusa..kte tgk jela..ko xknl aq spe..bole la ko nk men2 kan...tpi kwan2 aq dlu mmg sgt knl aq..skali ko da cri psal ngan aq,aq xkan pnah lpaskan ko..even azie ckp
. mengapa manusia sering mencetuskan PERTELINGKAHAN
. sedangkan manusia ...
. itu sendiri lahir dari KEMESRAAN .
. Jangan Berputus Asa . . .
. Apabila Menghadapi Kesusahan . . .
. KERANA . . .
. Titisan Hujan Yang Jernih . . .
. Juga Berasal Dari . . .
. Awan Yang Gelap . . .
azie..ko fhm aq..thanks

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blaja lagi....hehehe

alhamdullillah akhirnya dapat jgk aq smbung blaja...hehehe...

Program: (HM221) Sepenuh Masa



Kampus: M1 - UiTM Kampus Bandar Melaka
Semester: Semester 1 2011/2012

Sila datang mendaftar di tempat yang ditetapkan.



Tarikh: 6/9/2011

Masa: 9:00AM - 5:00PM

insyaallah...abis degree nie nk trus smbung master lak..hehehe...En. azam ok kan saya nk blaja lagi..hehehe...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Raya lmbt lgi tpi ap aq kesah???hehehe

Story Ary nie nk cte tentang Raya..hehee..wlaupun lmbt lagi tpi kan slalu prepare awal2..cm nk kwin jgk..kne prepare dari A smpai Z awal2 kan...Thun nie xkire ap jadi nk tema color oren gak..ary 2 da kol auntie gtau thun nie tema raya color oren..so nk xnk aq da pilih dlu so ikut je larh..hehehe..auntie ku tersyang pown da faham sgt krenah ank buah ksygn dye nie so the answer is OK!!hehehe..n xlupa jgk untuk en azam..thun nie raya awk pun pkai bju mlayu oren jgk yer..En azam da promise nk bli bju 2 sama2 an..so t maknanya en azam akan datang perak lagi..hehehehe.. lma sgt da xjumpa..pas nie abis matrik,keje part time kat KLIA n en azam kne la datang sana plak..hehehehe.Bmilo pown da rndu kat dady dye..cm mumy dye gak... So WAJIB datang..xder alasan yer..hehehehe

*da bosan mrapu.. end.. hehehe *

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


The history of the baby frog....... Once upon a time there was a bunch of baby frogs.... … participating in a competition. The target was to get to the top of a high tower. A crowd of people had gathered to observe the race and encourage the participants..... The start shot rang out....... Quite honestly: None of the onlookers believed that the baby frogs could actually accomplish getting to the top of the tower. Words like: "Åh, it’s too difficult!!! They’ll never reach the top." or: "Not a chance... the tower is too high!" One by one some of the baby frogs fell off… ...Except those who fastly climbed higher and higher.. The crowd kept on yelling: "It’s too difficult. Nobody is going to make it!" More baby frogs became tired and gave up... ...But one kept going higher and higher..... He was not about giving up! At the end everybody had given up, except the one determined to reach the top! All the other participants naturally wanted to know how he had managed to do what none of the others had been able to do! One competitor asked the winner, what was his secret? The truth was....... The winner was deaf!!!! The lesson to be learned: Don’t ever listen to people who are negative and pessimistic... …they will deprive you of your loveliest dreams and wishes you carry in your heart! Always be aware of the power of words, as everything you hear and read will interfere with your actions! Therefore: Always stay… POSITIVE! And most of all: Turn a deaf ear when people tell you, that you cannot achieve your dreams! Always believe: You can make it! Send this to the people that you care about. It will give them courage and motivation!!!

actually nie tugas yg kne present tok kelas BI sok.. hopefully Best.. =)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Candid by new camera.. =)

Cik Bunga raya

Cik Buah apatah..hehehe

My beloved house

My Cutie Comie..

sweet Honey..

ABC...hehehe..xder keje tibe2 start ngan benda alah 2..actually sja je xtau nk mule ngan ap..hehehe..bru2 nie dapat kamera baru..so candid2 je la..gmbr2 kat atas nie sbnrnye bnda2 yg aq syg n aq ske...hehehe..hmmm..tukar tjuk len la..bosan..hmmm..aq da balik matrik..bosan la..nk kne stdy..pspm da dekat...ladtop pown da xbwak..sbb first tkt an hilang..kne curi..second sebab t xstdy..asyik bukak fb je..haa...one more thing that i want to share wif u is i have my new homepage of blog..so cute right???like me..hahaha..pnt tau aq edit benda alah nie..seharian taw nk touch up blik..huhuhuhu..by the way,smakin ary smakin bz..en azam aq pown skang sedang blaja memahami wife dye nie bz..hehehehe..cian en azam..tpi xpe kan..cakap sayang..hahahaha..saya sayang awak jgk en.azam..hehehe..

End for today..hehehe

Friday, March 11, 2011

Comel + hebat = Kami

entry kali special skit coz sblm nie entry aq tntg kat matrik perlis kan..tpi ary nie..entry aq tntg matrik perak lak..wuwuwu..matrik still same tapi situasi jer berbeza..matrik perak nie besar skit kowt.n aq akui seriously CANTIK!!..mewah la bg aq..everything is modern...but the harmony,the love of student,still the win is KMP..kat kmp 1 kuliah 2 ibarat adik bradik yg sgt3 rapat tpi kat perak..its very different..by the way x kesah la..kwan2 aq kat snie still Hot..hehehe..sgt sempoi n i like it!! study not too good..why?? because i be very lazy to stdy..I know that is not good for me n also for my future..i already need to change my attitude...insyaallah everything will be ok right.. =)
My parents also give me support to be the best in my study..insyaallah mom,dad..i will be the best..my future is for u..i promise that i will not disapointed u.. =)